855-482-7655  |  info@billerreinhart.com

En Garde with your Guardrails?

Do the pictures below resemble similar conditions to the guardrails around your building? Want to enjoy the beautiful Florida scenery, but just can’t get past the sight of those guardrails? An evaluation by a Structural Engineer may be over due.

Sea Wall Problems?

Does the sea wall on your property look like these pictures? Okay, maybe not this bad…but perhaps similar? It is important to know when a sea wall can be repaired versus when a sea wall needs to be replaced.

Don’t Shudder Over Shutters

Shutters are an excellent way to reinforce your structure before an impending storm. However, some shutter assemblies can actually be a hazard.

Roof Truss Repair

Biller Reinhart Engineering Group designed roof truss repairs for a hotel building.