Edgewater Arms Condominium
Edgewater Arms Condominium
Edgewater Arms Condominium
Edgewater Arms Condominium
Edgewater Arms Condominium
Edgewater Arms Condominium

Project details

  • Project Size: Building 3
  • Project Location: Dunedin, Florida
  • Budgeted Construction Costs: $250,000
  • Completion Date: 2013
  • Client: Information Available Upon Request
  • Owner: Information Available Upon Request

Edgewater Arms Condominium

Biller Reinhart Engineering Group, Inc. prepared design drawings, specifications and bid documents for the exterior painting and waterproofing project of the eight-story condominium building. BillerReinhart performed a preliminary condition survey of select exterior perimeter surfaces, initiated by items of concern considered to be urgent where delamination was occurring, to visually observe the current state of the buildings’ exterior finishes, including waterproofing elements to identify existing conditions that require repair and/or preventative maintenance. Following the exterior wall survey for urgent issues, concerns were raised that areas of the roof system may have been deteriorating and may have been leaking and that the exterior wing wall features and east and west elevation walls may have been experiencing water intrusion and may have been deteriorating. Building 3 was experiencing moisture intrusion through the building envelope affecting several unit interiors.

BillerReinhart reviewed available construction documents of the building and performed a visual condition survey of Building 3 roof areas and the building’s exterior wall surfaces and the ground floor window/door systems. BillerReinhart also performed a limited visual condition survey of a selected number of interior units. Several units with exterior walls on the east or west elevations were included as well as other units that have reported water intrusion. BillerReinhart prepared a summary of findings report from the survey including general recommendations for courses of action leading to repairs and/or maintenance.